Black and Red Gradient Bacground

We partner with...

heaven to set the captives free, restore the brokenhearted, lay hands on the sick, and equip God's people, arming ourselves with His Supernatural Power and releasing the Kingdom of the Lord in the earth.

Our mission is to into our communities locally and abroad telling them about the redemptive love of Jesus Christ while mending the family as they establish God’s kingdom mandate in the earth

Vision Mission Puzzle
Sending You High Resonance Healing Energy

Get to Know the Visionary

Monica D. McWilliams was born on January 30, 1966, in Monroe, Louisiana. She began her educational journey at Little Flower Academy, where she attended Kindergarten, followed by Clara Hall from 1st to 6th grade. She then pursued higher education at the University of Louisiana at Monroe (ULM), earning a degree in Criminal Justice with a minor in Psychology. Monica furthered her education by obtaining a Master's degree and an additional 30 hours in Administration Supervision. Monica's passion for education led her to a distinguished career as an educator, spanning 16 years. She began teaching in her parents' backyard instructing neighborhood kids, and later became a dedicated teacher with Morehouse Parish Schools and the Monroe City School System. Her exceptional teaching skills earned her the prestigious "Teacher of the Year" award in 1998. She also completed the Superintendent's Academy in 1991, demonstrating her commitment to educational leadership. Apart from her teaching career, Monica has showcased her entrepreneurial spirit by co-founding T and T Medical Transportation, and Kiddieland Daycare, the first 24-hour, 7-days-a-week daycare center in her hometown.

Prophet Monica McWilliams

Monica is known for her magnetic personality, which draws people to her. She is a natural peacemaker, a great listener, and a firm believer in treating others with kindness and loyalty. Her strong sense of compassion and empathy has led her to her assignment -He Sent His Word(HSHW) Ministry. Throughout her life, Monica has demonstrated dedication, perseverance, and a passion for helping others. Her remarkable journey serves as an inspiration to those around her, and her commitment to grow through ministry and community work.

Join Us....


Black and White Photo of People Praying Together

Join the prayer line every Saturday from 10am-11am cst

Dial: (727)731-2496 access code: 6298186

Tune in to our social media outlets daily for affirmation and encouragement

Believe Affirmation Stone


Child Clothes Closeup


Ministry T-Shirts

Plain Folded Handkerchief


Prayer Hankerchiefs

Bottles and Glasses of Oil


Anointing Oil

We'd love to hear from you! Let’s Connect

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1800 Forsythe Avenue Ste 102 Monroe, LA 71201


(504) 323-4241



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